RSTC Endorses DAN/UHMS Diabetes Guidelines
Important new guidelines issued relating to divers with diabetes.
Dr. Guy Dear from Divers Alert Network (DAN) presented the new guidelines for those with diabetes to the RSTC committee at their last meeting in August 2006. These guidelines allow for some individuals with diabetes to dive. DAN has advised diabetics against diving for many years until the mid 1990s when they determined that a percentage of their members were not only diabetic but those with insulin requiring diabetes.
With this information DAN launched a study from 1997 to 1999 to determine the possibility of those with diabetes being able to dive. The finding of that study prompted the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) and DAN to hold a workshop in 2005 with the diving medical experts from around the world to seek formal guidelines for diabetes and diving.
After a thorough overview of the new guidelines RSTC unanimously endorsed the guidelines. RSTC will also work to with the UHMS to add the new information to the current RSTC Medical Guidelines to the Physician.
A copy of the guidelines can be obtained from DAN. You can go to the home page of DAN search for "diabetes" and you will find DAN Divers Alert Network : Medical Research : Diabetes & Diving click on that link and you will find an article about the research. At the end of the article you will find the citation for the complete work shop and also a one page summary of the guidelines.
RSTC consists of International Diving Educators Association (IDEA), Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI), Professional Dive Instructors Corporation (PDIC), Scuba Diving International (SDI) Scuba Schools International (SSI) and Young Men¹s Christian Association (YMCA) and meets throughout the year to deal with issues involving training in the scuba industry. RSTC is also the Secretariat for the ANSI Committee Z-375, Scuba Diving Training Standards and Safety.
For additional information on RSTC contact any member organization or contact RSTC at P.O. Box 11083 Jacksonville, FL 32239 or
Please email if you are interested or want additional information.
We are an underwater services company offering underwater inspections; Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) PSD instructor training; TDI/SDI/ERDI 5-Star IT Facility; IANTD, TDI, DSAT Dolphin rebreather instructor training; IANTD EANx Technical Facility/Gas Blending Station; National Association of Commercial Diving Specialists training; DAN Examiner (DAN Instructor Trainer training); SEI and SDI/TDI/ERDI Scuba Instructor Training, PADI; PSI/PCI Visual Cylinder Inspection training.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
MEDIC FIRST AID -- BasicPlus CPR, AED, and First Aid for Adults (V6.0)

BasicPlus is an adult CPR, AED, and first aid training program designed specifically for the occupational first aid provider. This extremely flexible program will help employers meet OSHA and other federal and state regulatory requirements for training employees how to respond and care for medical emergencies at work.
MEDIC FIRST AID BasicPlus CPR, AED, and First Aid for Adults Program Description
Intended Audience
Workplace first aid providers
Class Configurations
Max Student Instructor Ratio: 12:1
Max Student to Manikin Ratio: 6:1
Max Student to AED Training Device Ratio: 6:1
Max Class Size: 24 (with 2 Instructors)
Instructor Materials
Basic Training Programs Video or DVD
Basic Training Programs Instructor Guide
Student Materials
BasicPlus Student Pack, including:
Student Guide
Wallet Skill Guide
Successful Completion Card
Hands-on Skill Practice
Students will practice essential skills in small group practices and can also apply those skills in optional scenario-based practices.
Recognized Completion Period
Up to 2 years
Evaluation Method
Students are evaluated through Instructor observation of the reasonable performance of skills. Performance and written evaluations are available and optional for use.
Recommended Time to Complete
Initial Training: 5 to 6 hours
Retraining time depends on the experience and training history of the students. It is typically shorter than initial training.
MEDIC FIRST AID BasicPlus CPR, AED, and First Aid for Adults
Course Segments
Emergency First Aid Care
Recognizing an Emergency
Deciding to Help
Personal Safety
Using Barriers
Assessing for Response
Mechanism for Spinal Injury
Activating Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Basic Life-Supporting Skills
Airway – Head-Tilt, Chin-Lift
Clearing the Airway – Log Roll
Protecting the Airway – Recovery Position
Breathing – Ventilations Mask/Shield
Circulation – Chest Compressions
Initial Assessment
Unresponsive Patient
CPR for Cardiac Arrest
Sudden Cardiac Arrest – Using an AED
Bare, Prepare, and Place Pads
Basic AED Operation
Troubleshooting Messages
Other AED Considerations
Control of Bleeding
Managing Shock
Ongoing Assessment
Warning Signs of Serious Illness
Altered Level of Responsiveness
Pain, Severe Pressure, or Discomfort in Chest
Breathing Difficulty, Shortness of Breath
Severe Abdominal Pain
Mechanism for Significant Injury
Swollen, Painful, Deformed Limb
Specific First Aid Problems
Moving Patients
Emotional Impact of Providing First Aid Care
Preventing Disease Transmission
First Aid and the Law
Please email if you are interested or want additional information.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Diving First Aid for Professional Divers

Diving First Aid for Professional Divers

The DAN Diving First Aid for Professional Divers course represents training specifically designed for divers who dive as part of their job duties. It is not appropriate or designed for recreational divers. Students for this course must have an affiliacprtion with an aquarium, commercial diving company or scientific diving operation.

The program includes the three required elements of the DEMP course (Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries, AEDs for Scuba Diving and First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries), along with workplace CPR and first aid, based on guidelines provided by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration on what that organization believes should be included in a work-place CPR and first aid course.
Since first aid skills deteriorate with time, retraining in this program is required every two years following successful completion of the course – although some local protocols and regulations require more frequent retraining. In addition, divers are encouraged to practice these and other diving skills regularly. All skills performed in an emergency should be within the scope of your training and experience.
Diving First Aid for Professional Divers
Course Overview
The objective of first aid is to establish and/or maintain the life of an injured or ill person until assistance (generally, emergency medical services — EMS) arrives or becomes available at the scene.
It is equally important that the rescuer do no further harm to the injured person. Providing oxygen to an injured diver, for example, will not cause any harm as long as the scene is safe and the oxygen equipment is functioning properly. This means that you must understand the limitations of your skills and knowledge and not attempt any procedure beyond your ability and the scope of your training.
Recommended Minimum Hours of Training
Knowledge and skills development = 2 days
Certification Duration
This program comes with a two-year certification.
Skill Performance Objectives
Knowledge and Skill development topics in this program include:
Scene Safety Assessment
Initial Assessment
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Using an AED
Control of Bleeding
Oxygen Equipment Identification
Using a DAN Demand Valve
Delivering Oxygen with a non-rebreather mask
Delivering oxygen as part of CPR using a DAN mask
Oxygen Equipment Assembly and Disassembly
Shock Management
Secondary Assessment
Management of wounds from hazardous marine life
Pressure Immobilization technique
Poisonings (discussion topic)
Burns (discussion topic)
Emergency Moves
Temperature Extremes (discussion topic)
Medical Emergencies (discussion topic)
Diving First Aid for Professional Divers
To qualify, the candidate must:
Have an affiliation with an aquarium, scientific diving program or a commercial diving operation
Be a CPR Instructor
Be a current DAN Member
Current DAN Instructor Trainers and Instructors who are certified to teach Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries, AEDs for Scuba Diving and First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries, and who meet the other criteria, may complete an online crossover to be certified in this program as well.
OR Contact Omni Divers Underwater Services for local training options
Please email if you are interested or want additional information.
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