DAN Training and Education
As a DAN Instructor, you can offer your students nine classes that will help make them safer divers.
These classes are:
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
Oxygen First Aid for Aquatic Emergencies
Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
Automated External Defibrillators for Scuba Diving
Automated External Defibrillators for Aquatic Emergencies
Basic Life Support for Dive Professionals
Remote Emergency Medical Oxygen (REMO2™)
On-Site Neurological Assessment for Divers
Diving First Aid for Professional Divers
Diving Emergency Management Provider Program
DAN Instructors are scuba diving educators who want to offer dive safety programs to their students. To become a DAN Instructor, you must participate in a DAN Instructor Qualification Course (IQC).
The IQC follows a modular format. There is a Core Module and then a separate module representing each training program. You can take all nine modules as part of one course, or just take the Core Module and one course module - whatever you are interested in teaching. Later, as long as you remain a current and active DAN Instructor, you can take additional modules without retaking the Core Module. The Core Module is now available online.
Prerequisites for DAN Instructor Qualification Course:
DAN Member
Active scuba diving educator*
Current CPR Instructor
Documentation of First Aid training
Prerequisites for DAN IQC Modules:
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
CPR Instructor
Oxygen First Aid for Aquatic Emergencies
CPR Instructor
Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries Instructor
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
CPR Instructor
Automated External Defibrillators for Scuba Diving
CPR Instructor
Automated External Defibrillators for Aquatic Emergencies
Automated External Defibrillators for Scuba Diving Instructor
Basic Life Support for Dive Professionals
CPR Training
Remote Emergency Medical Oxygen (REMO2™)
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries Instructor
On-Site Neurological Assessment for Divers
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries Instructor
Dive Accident First Aid for Non-Divers
To offer this program, DAN Instructor Trainers and Instructors must be in Active Teaching Status for:
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for Scuba Diving
Diving First Aid for Professional Divers
To qualify, the candidate must:
Have an affiliation with an aquarium, scientific diving program, public safety diving program or a commercial diving operation
Be a CPR Instructor
Be a current DAN Member
Current DAN Instructor Trainers and Instructors who are certified to teach Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries, AEDs for Scuba Diving and First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries, and who meet the other criteria, may complete an online crossover to be certified in this program as well.
Diving Emergency Management Provider
To offer this program, DAN Instructor Trainers and Instructors must be in Active Teaching Status for:
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for Scuba Diving
Preferred Additional Credentials:
Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
Take the Core Module Online
* Note about the scuba diving educator requirement: Any scuba diving instructor or assistant instructor with a recognized scuba training organization can attend the IQC. A divemaster/divecon who is also a CPR and First Aid instructor with a recognized training agency can also attend the IQC.

Course Objective
The DAN Instructor Qualification Course (IQC) trains and educates qualified scuba diving educators to plan, manage, conduct and promote dive safety through DAN Training Programs such as the Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries course, the Remote Emergency Medical Oxygen (REMO2™) course, the Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for Scuba Diving and the First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries course along with the Oxygen First Aid for Aquatic Emergencies course.
In addition, the course develops role-model teaching techniques in the use of first aid for suspected dive injuries. Instructor Candidates also have the opportunity to develop further knowledge in relation to the special considerations involved in providing emergency first aid.
The DAN IQC consists of eight modules. There is a core module that introduces DAN and the DAN Training philosophy. This core program serves as the introduction for all other DAN Training programs. The remaining program modules represent each of the individual training courses offered by DAN. Qualified Instructor Trainers can present all seven program modules or select only the modules appropriate for the Instructor Candidates.
Qualifications of DAN Instructors
Successful completion of the DAN Instructor Qualification Course (IQC) results in certification recognizing the Instructor Candidate's understanding and performance of the knowledge and skills contained within this program.
Instructors must maintain active teaching status with DAN in order to conduct DAN Training programs. In order to maintain active teaching status, DAN Instructors must teach or assist with teaching each course they are certified in once within a 24-month period.
Recommended Minimum Hours of Training
Knowledge and Skills Development
Core Module: 4 Hours
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries Module: 2-3 Hours
Oxygen First Aid for Aquatic Emergencies Module: 2-3 Hours
Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries: 1-2 Hours
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries Module: 2-3 Hours
Automated External Defibrillators for Scuba Diving: 1-2 Hours
Basic Life Support for Dive Professionals: 8 Hours
Remote Emergency Medical Oxygen Module: 1-2 Hours
The time the course actually takes to teach varies depending upon many factors, including the number of students and their ability to process the educational components of the program along with the number of modules offered. Instructor Trainers desiring to include subjects or training beyond the course requirements may do so only before or following the course. Any additional training must not be required for completion of course requirements.
Required Curriculum Subject Areas
The Instructor Trainer must ensure Instructor Candidate familiarity with each of the following subject areas:
Knowledge Development
Core Module
What is DAN?
DAN Training Methodology
Role of the DAN Instructor
General Standards and Procedures for All DAN Training Programs
Marketing DAN Training Programs
Disease Transmission
Oxygen and AED Equipment/Safety
First Aid Equipment
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries Course Module
Manual Overview - Standards and Procedures
Knowledge Development Session
Skills Development Session
Use of Scenarios
Injured Diver Scenarios
Teaching Exercise
Oxygen First Aid for Aquatic Emergencies Course Module
Manual Overview - Standards and Procedures
Knowledge Development Session
Skills Development Session
Use of Scenarios
Injured Diver Scenarios
Teaching Exercise
Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
Manual Overview - Standards and Procedures
Knowledge Development
O2 Resuscitation Systems (MTV and BVM)
Providing Advanced Oxygen First Aid
Recommendations for Advanced Oxygen Providers and equipment use
Skills Development
CPR Review
Resuscitation with an MTV
Resuscitation with a BVM
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries Module
Manual Overview - Standards and Procedures
Knowledge Development Session
Skills Development Session
Use of Scenarios
Injured Diver Scenarios
Teaching Exercise
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for Scuba Diving Module
Manual Overview - Standards and Procedures
Knowledge Development Session
Skills Development Session
Use of Scenarios
Injured Diver Scenarios
Teaching Exercise
Basic Life Support for Dive Professionals
Knowledge and Skills Development categories
Initial Assessment
Airway management
Breathing and ventilation
Including AED use
Control of bleeding
Shock management
Ongoing Assessment
REMO2™ Course Module
Manual Overview - Standards and Procedures
Knowledge Development Session
Skills Development Session
Use of Scenarios
Injured Diver Scenarios
Teaching Exercise
Diving Emergency Management Provider
To offer this program, DAN Instructor Trainers and Instructors must be in Active Teaching Status for:
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for Scuba Diving
Preferred Additional Credentials:
DAN Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
General Standards and Procedures Exam - 20 Questions
Module Exams - 10 Questions Each
Course Summary
The Instructor Trainer must ensure that the Instructor Candidate is able to successfully demonstrate the ability to perform the required skills for each certified program in a role model fashion.
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
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