Friday, August 15, 2008

Surface Supplied Air Tender - Diver - Operator Training -- Technical Diving International (TDI) Specialty Courses

Surface Supplied Air Tender - Diver and Operator Training - Technical Diving International (TDI) Specialty Courses in New Jersey

Dates: August 9 through and including August 17, 2008.

Course Outline:

Course Overview
Course Objective
Course Prerequisites
Equipment Needed
Required Training Dives
Course Content
Air Diving
Operation of the Console
Minimum Course Hours
Class Room
Open Water Dives/Exercises/Scenarios
Dive Debriefing
TDI Log Books filled out and signed by the instructor

This course is five long days. We are starting on Monday. We will get the paperwork concluded, then we go through the materials and the hands-on session using the Superlite 17's and AGA's.

Costs are for the text, materials, certification fees, and instructor fees.

The course is to be held in New Jersey, as that is where the equipment is located.

Please email if you are interested or want additional information on costs and specific times associated with the training.

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