Dive Accident First Aid for Nondivers
PurposeEducate non-diving spouses and bubble watchers about the signs and symptoms of dive emergencies and how to respond to them.
FocusThis program removes much of the “why” information. This information is important for divers to know and understand, but less so for spouses or non-diving interested parties. This program simply focuses on the things to look for and what to do about it when they appear.
Materials for this program consist of:
A student handbook
o A single composite video on DVD included with the student handbook for homestudy or later review
Instructor guide outline
o The skills sections of this course will focus more on role play with new scenarios to be focused on the unique perspective of the non-diver.
This program will answer three basic questions:
What do I look for?
What do I do when I see it?
What do I use to provide care?
This program will include the skills from:
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for Scuba Diving
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
While the skills from Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries and Remote Emergency Medical Oxygen (REMO2™) are useful, they are of limited application in an entry-level basic course for non-divers. If non-divers are interested, they can take those additional diver-level programs based on the information imparted from this basic program. That information and those skills are not included in this program to avoid complicating or intimidating the non-diver providers.
General Outline If you see signs and symptoms of DCI, provide oxygen with a Demand Valve or Non-rebreather mask.
If the diver isn’t breathing, initiate rescue breathing with supplemental oxygen.
If there are no signs of circulation, begin CPR with supplemental oxygen and use the AED.
If the diver has an envenomation…
If the diver has an abrasion…
If the diver has a bite…
Dive Accident First Aid for NondiversInstructor CredentialsRequirements• Current, active status DAN Instructor or Instructor Trainer
Certified to teach• Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
• First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
• Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for Scuba Diving
Note to Instructor Trainers: There is no additional training or certification required for the Nondiver Provider Program. Any Instructor certified to offer the individual DAN Training Programs can offer this program. After certifying Instructor Candidates to conduct each of these training programs independently, orient them to the Non-diver Provider Program.
Student prerequisites• Required current certification in CPR. Basic life support skills must be completed satisfactorily.
Program Organization• Follow the program outline, showing the video segments for each segment and then conduct skills for each segment
o Or
• Have the non-diver provider candidate view the DVD at home and then come to class ready to participate in skills.
• Conduct the skills session for each program session as outlined.
o Skills sessions cover the skills new to each course section.
o Use the Skills pages from the DAN Instructor Manual as outlined.
o Have the students follow along in the Nondiver Provider Manual.
• Administer the student examination at the end of the program.
o Use the answer keys included with this guide.
Recognition Materials• Use the Nondiver Provider Student Handbook with integrated successful completion card
DAN Provider RegistrationTo register a DAN Non-diver Provider, the DAN Instructor must submit to DAN Training a signed and completed Course Roster. Course Rosters must be submitted to DAN Training within 10 business days of the course. Course Rosters may be submitted one of four methods.
Mail to: DAN Training, 6 West Colony Place, Durham, NC 27705 USA
Fax to: DAN Training, + 1-919-490-6630
Electronic mail (e-mail): oxygen@diversalertnetwork.org
Online form at in the Instructors Only section of the website
With electronic mail, it is recommended that you request a receipt from your mail server. DAN Training will send the DAN Instructor an electronic confirmation of receipt of the electronic Course Roster.
Instructors should maintain all Student Registration Forms, Statements of Understanding, Practical Evaluation Records and Examination Answer Sheets as part of their class records along with any Administrative paperwork required by the Training Association with which the DAN Instructor is affiliated.
Providers may send Course Evaluations directly to DAN Training, or the DAN Instructor may collect them from course participants and forward them with the Course Roster to DAN Training.
RecertificationThis certification expires after 24 months from the date of completion.
Course Outline
• Explain the purpose of this program and the general approach.
• Either show the video segment or, if the students have viewed the video at home, conduct the skills sessions as outlined below.
AEDs for Scuba Diving
Knowledge Development
(skills pages available on 3-4 through 3-13 from the skills guide of the AED Instructor Manual)
• Initial Assessment with Basic Life Support
• CPR Review
• Providing Care with an AED
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
Knowledge Development
(skills pages available on 3-10 through 3-15 from the skills guide of the Instructor Manual)
• Equipment Identification
• Demand Valve
• Non-rebreather mask
First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
Knowledge Development
(skills pages available on 3-12 through 3-19 from the skills guide of the HMLI Instructor Manual)
• Control Bleeding
• Shock Management
• Wound Management
• Pressure Immobilization Technique
Final Discussion
Follow Up
• Remediate skills or examinations as necessary.
• Issue student recognition materials to successful candidates of the Dive Accident First Aid for Nondivers Program.
• Remind students complete retraining is required within 24 months.