U.S. Navy Flying After Diving Study
DAN Medical Research
Research into Flying After Diving (FAD) has been conducted at Duke University for many years. The current USN FAD study is designed to test dive-flight profiles that are of interest to the U.S. Navy. This current project is the second phase of the DAN Flying After Diving Study.
U.S. Navy (USN) divers undertake both training and missions that may require flying soon after diving. To reduce the risk of decompression sickness (DCS) as a result of flying after diving (FAD), guidelines were published in the USN Diving Manual that specify how long a diver should wait between dive and flight. The Navy guidelines were developed in part with data from previous FAD studies for recreational divers done at Duke (Vann et al., in prep). Additional testing is required to evaluate profiles not previously tested. These include some very long dives and decompression dives. In addition, studies will be conducted to investigate the possibility of decreasing preflight surface intervals by breathing oxygen before flight.
U.S. Navy Flying After Diving : Project Overview
The four specific goals of the U.S. Navy (USN) Flying After Diving project are:
1. Test air dive-flight profiles included in the USN flying after diving tables that would benefit from additional validation.
2. Use existing data and data generated from Aim 1 to develop a decompression model capable of computing risk of DCS for altitude exposures following air dives.
3. Use the resultant decompression model to (a) compute a comprehensive set of flying after diving guidelines for air diving; (b) make predictions for dive-altitude exposures for nitrogen oxygen mixtures other than air; and (c) make preliminary predictions for diving at altitude procedures.
This study will not repeat exposures tested in previous Duke studies. However, all previous Duke exposure data as well as germane exposures from other sources will be included with those from the present study to form a decompression model calibration data set.
This study will be limited to tests of only a few specific dive-altitude combinations because of time and cost considerations. A comprehensive medical screening questionnaire and medical examination by a physician will ensure that subjects meet the physical requirements for diving. Air dives in a dry hypo- / hyperbaric chamber with resting subjects will be followed by a interval at ground level up to 29 hours in duration, and then an 8,000-feet / 2,438-meter altitude exposure for four hours. The 8,000-foot altitude is the allowable lower limit of cabin pressures in commercial airliners. Dive depths between 60 and 100 fsw (feet of sea water; 18 and 30 msw, or meters of sea water) will be used with bottom times selected from the U.S. Navy dive tables.
The outcome of each experimental dive-surface interval-flight profile will be evaluated statistically to determine the next profile to be tested. Three alternatives are possible: (1) accept the surface interval without additional testing and begin testing a shorter surface interval; (2) reject the surface interval from further testing and begin testing a longer surface interval; or 3) test a different dive-surface interval-flight profile.
Two experiments, with up to 10 subjects per experiment, are conducted monthly. Subjects are dry and at rest throughout the dives and dry and at rest during the flight. Subjects are certified scuba divers or experienced in hypo- / hyperbaric exposures who are qualified upon completion of: 1) a medical history review and physical examination by a Hyperbaric Center physician; 2) body composition assessment; and 3) baseline ultrasonic measure. Subjects will be monitored for bubbles throughout the study with precordial Doppler (sound only) and transthoracic echocardiographic (two-dimensional picture) ultrasound for the presence of bubbles in the circulation.
Participant Eligibility Requirements
Participants must be:
between 18–60 years of age;
certified scuba divers, or have experience with hyperbaric exposure (they may be a student diver if accompanied by their instructor);
in good physical condition (subjects must not be over 40% of their ideal weight, or risk disqualification on the physical exam. Body composition will be assessed with a skin-fold caliper); and
healthy, without any disqualifying conditions:
Pregnancy - females of child-bearing age must submit to blood drawing for serum pregnancy determination, or have a statement from a physician verifying sterility;
Asthma that is active and requires medication (check with study physician);
Chronic seizure disorder;
Chronic diseases (e.g., heart condition, migraine, diabetes, hypertension) – check with study physician; or
Recent joint surgery (within 6 months of study date)
Subjects are eligible for more than one study as the profiles change, but a subject may participate only once in a given dive / surface interval/flight profile.
Restrictions prior to the study:
No diving 48 hours prior to study dive and after study flight.
No flying 24 hours prior to the study dive and / or 48 hours after the study flight.
No organized sports or other intense exercise less than 72 hours prior to the test.
No prescription or over-the-counter medication including aspirin other than those identified to the Study Physician within one week prior to the test.
Participants will receive pro-rated compensation for a total of $120 per trial. Completion of the study is required for full payment. This includes the follow-up interview at the Hyperbaric Center on the third day and the call-in 48 hours after the study flight. The medical outcome is just as important as the dive. Pro-rated compensation is $45 for the dive day, $45 for the flight day, $15 for the morning-after on-site health check, and $15 for 48-hour telephone health check (note: volunteers disqualified after completing the baseline evaluations but before beginning the dive will receive a total of $20 compensation).
DAN membership and Preferred Plan insurance will be provided for participants who complete the dive phase of the study if they are not currently covered (current DAN members with lesser insurance coverage will have their level increased to Preferred for the remainder of their annual membership cycle).
Meals will be provided at the chamber during the study, and some meals may be compensated up to $7 for lunch and $13 for dinner.
Individuals living outside a 60-minute driving radius from Duke University are asked to stay overnight following the dive and flight (room cost is covered by the study on a shared basis).
Sign Up or Ask Questions
If you would like to participate in this study, you will need to complete a Medical History Form (PDF: 33 KB) and return it by e-mail to Research@dan.duke.edu, by fax to +1-919-493-3040, or mail to DAN Research, 6 West Colony Place, Durham, NC 27705.
For additional information, contact DAN Research at +1-919-684-2948 x260 or send a message.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the study about?
The USN Flying After Diving Study is designed to evaluate the effect of altitude exposure following diving on the production of circulating bubble production and / or the development of decompression sickness.
Where do we go diving?
This study involved a dry chamber dive followed by a chamber flight to 8,000 feet / 2,438 meters after a surface interval. All trials are conducted at the Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology (Hyperbaric Center) in Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC.
Do I bring any gear? What should I wear?
Dive gear is not required for this dry chamber study. Cotton "scrubs" (pants and shirt) will be issued to all subjects to wear in the chamber. We ask that females wear a two-piece bathing suit, shorts and halter top or aerobic-type top and bottoms. The abdomen, front and back and the chest and legs need to be exposed for the physical examination. The abdomen and as much of the rib cage as possible need to be accessible to facilitate the ultrasound monitoring.
How do we receive our compensation?
Participants are paid by check sent to the address supplied on the Compensation Form (DUMC Research Subject Registration Form). Usually, you may expect checks to arrive within four to five weeks.
What is a typical study like?
Participants will need to be at the Hyperbaric Center on Friday for physical examination, briefing, and body composition and ultrasound assessments. The dive follows, usually three hours from arrival. There is a one-hour medical watch after the dive. The flight is scheduled for Saturday. There is a four-hour medical watch after the flight. There also will be an interview on Sunday morning, in person, with the study physician.
Medical / Physical evaluations are conducted prior to the dive (baseline), immediately post-dive, four hours post-dive, the morning after the dive, and Sunday morning. All interviews are conducted in person with the study physician on the dive and flight days and the morning following the flight. The 48-hour interview will be by phone.
What can I bring inside the chamber?
You may bring a limited amount of reading material (excluding newsprint), but no electronic devices (e.g., pagers, cell phones, computers, CD players, or electronic games).
What if I develop symptoms?
The Hyperbaric Center conducts both clinical and research exposures. Any research subject developing symptoms associated with the study during or following the dive / flight exposures will receive immediate medical care at no cost to them. Protocols are in place to ensure the timely response and management of cases.
What is a typical trial schedule?
Experiments can take one or two days plus follow-up. The dive and flight activities are combined into a single day when short surface intervals are being tested.
Example Study Schedule (based on a long [24-hour] surface interval). Please be advised that this is a sample schedule. The study schedule that you will be participating in will be sent to you by DAN Research at least one week prior to the study date.
Day 1
8:00 Subjects assemble at the lab
8:00 - 8:30 Complete paperwork, dress in scrubs
8:30 - 9:00 Study Brief
9:00 - 10:00 Physicals and Baseline Doppler exams
10:00 - Chamber briefing and commence dive
13:00 - End dive / Start medical watch
13:30 - 14:00 Doppler
14:00 - Lunch
16:00 - Interview with physician and release
Day 2
12:00 - Subjects assemble at the lab
12:00 - 13:00 Interview with physician
13:00 - Start flight
17:00 - End flight
17:30 - 19:30 - Dinner
20:00 - Interview with physician and release
Day 3
AM interview with physician at the Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental
Physiology Day 4
Phone interview
Project Supporters
The U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command is funding this research program.
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
We are an underwater services company offering underwater inspections; Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) PSD instructor training; TDI/SDI/ERDI 5-Star IT Facility; IANTD, TDI, DSAT Dolphin rebreather instructor training; IANTD EANx Technical Facility/Gas Blending Station; National Association of Commercial Diving Specialists training; DAN Examiner (DAN Instructor Trainer training); SEI and SDI/TDI/ERDI Scuba Instructor Training, PADI; PSI/PCI Visual Cylinder Inspection training.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
SDI Releases Ground-Breaking Educational System - Unique SDI Solo Diver Specialty Course

SDI Releases Ground-Breaking Educational System
Topsham, Maine – April 24, 2007
International Training today released completely rewritten student and instructor materials for its unique SDI Solo Diver Specialty Course.
The all new solo diver educational system includes a completely revised 100-page student manual, a full instructor guide, new electronic academic presentation, two-piece dive-planning slate, and student knowledge quest.
“The solo course is one of SDI’s most popular specialties and one of the many innovative ideas we have pioneered over the years. It has set our agency apart from the competition,” explained Steve Lewis.
Lewis, director of product development for International Training added. “We have focused our efforts on making this system reflect the new branding initiative for SDI. We are sure these materials will confirm the SDI Solo Diver Specialty as an industry-leading program.”
Brian Carney, president of International Training added that since the initial release of SDI’s solo program several years ago, the agency has promoted solo diving as an option for experienced sport divers engaged in certain activities.
“Let’s be clear that SDI’s position has always been that solo diving requires experienced scuba divers willing to make the necessary commitment to train and equip themselves to manage the added risks involved,” Carney explained. “A person with the required attitude and aptitude can safely pursue responsible solo diving.”
Scuba Diving International (SDI) is the sport diving certification branch of the world’s largest technical diving agency, Technical Diving International (TDI). Also included with these is Emergency Response Diving International (ERDi), the only global public safety certification agency.
To order a set of this ground-breaking education system, contact Scuba Diving International at: 888-778-9073 or 207-729-4201 or email us at worldhq@tdisdi.com. To find out more about International Training’s innovative educational programs, and other dive business opportunites visit www.tdisdi.com.
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
Friday, April 20, 2007
DAN / PADI Alliance: Questions & Answers

DAN / PADI Alliance: Questions & Answers
Q&A About the DAN/PADI Alliance
1. Why have PADI and DAN decided to collaborate?
PADI and DAN have enjoyed longstanding support and a mutual respect of each other�s contributions to improving diving safety.
Both are industry leaders and experts in their respective fields; PADI excels in training and education, and DAN provides expertise in emergency assistance, insurance, medicine, research and dive safety training. Combining the complementary strengths of the organizations allows each to focus on what they do best, while working together improve the dive industry as a whole.
Each organization provides excellence in different aspects of diving and both are committed to dive safety; it is a natural alliance and an unprecedented example of how two industry organizations can work together for the greater good.
2. How does this alliance benefit divers?
Between DAN and PADI, divers have access to every level of dive training from entry- through professional-level, a comprehensive dive accident insurance program, dive safety training, information and safety resources, and 24-hour emergency assistance.
3. Does this alliance mean that DAN is working exclusively with PADI?
No. DAN exists to benefit all divers: every resource that DAN provides, such as the 24-Hour Diving Emergency Hotline, the Diving Medical Information Line, training programs, research and access to dive accident insurance remains open to all divers. DAN�s collaboration with PADI simply provides the nonprofit organization with an incredible opportunity to ensure divers know that DAN and these services are available to them.
Q&A About the Insurance Programs
1. Why is PADI now endorsing DAN's Dive Accident Insurance program?
Safety is a recurring message throughout all levels of PADI training. Whether discussing it in terms of problem prevention or resolution, PADI dedicates a great deal of time and attention to providing information and methods for divers to protect themselves from harm. PADI recognizes how many resources DAN contributes to this same goal, and so in endorsing DAN and DAN�s dive accident insurance program, PADI is providing its divers a very simple and comprehensive solution to a complex and multifaceted issue.
2. When will the change from Vicencia & Buckley to DAN insurance go into effect?
DAN will become the official dive accident insurance carrier for PADI effective January 1, 2007. However, all policies currently in effect will remain active and fully supported until their natural expiration dates. Provided that policyholders renew with DAN prior to expiration, there will be no lapse in coverage.
3. Who is affected by this change?
Any diver currently carrying Vicencia & Buckley Diver Protection Insurance will be affected by this change. As the policies come up for renewal throughout 2007, all policyholders will be sent an invitation to join DAN. Should they choose not to do so, they will need to find an alternative dive accident insurance carrier.
4. How can existing Vicencia & Buckley policyholders renew their policy with DAN?
Vicencia & Buckley policyholders will receive a notice of the discontinuation of insurance and an invitation to renew their coverage with DAN prior to the expiration of their current policies. The policyholder need only follow the renewal instructions and remit payment. As long as the renewal is completed and returned in a timely manner, there will be no lapse in coverage.
5. Why is DAN Membership required in order to purchase dive accident insurance?
The opportunity to purchase dive accident insurance is a membership benefit; therefore, membership is required to carry DAN insurance. In addition, membership in DAN offers a host of other benefits outside of insurance coverage, including DAN TravelAssist and a subscription to Alert Diver magazine. Above all, all DAN members benefit from the contribution they make, as membership dues help support a nonprofit organization dedicated to making diving safer for everyone.
6. It is my understanding that DAN America does not offer professional liability insurance. Is Vicencia & Buckley going to continue offering this type of coverage?
Absolutely. Professional-level divers carrying liability insurance through Vicencia & Buckley are not affected by this change. PADI-sponsored professional liability insurance is and will continue to be offered through Vicencia & Buckley.
7. My current policy does not expire until November 2007. Will V&B still cover me until then, or do I need to purchase a policy from someone else?
The transfer of coverage from Vicencia & Buckley to DAN will not take place until the renewal of any given policy. Vicencia & Buckley will continue to provide coverage and service until the policy is renewed with DAN or expires, whichever comes first. Upon the policy renewal, DAN will become the insurance provider.
Q&A For PADI Professional Members
1. Why is PADI choosing to support DAN's Student Membership Program?
From the first day of a student's training, PADI stresses the importance of safety. PADI recognizes the value in the services DAN provides, and supports the use of DAN�s Student Membership Program as a means of ensuring that new divers are protected and instructors have a valuable risk management tool.
2. How does DAN's Student Membership Program protect divers and their instructors?
DAN's Student Membership Program offers entry-level divers in the DAN Americas region with limited insurance coverage for the duration of their entry-level training. It provides up to $20,000 of recompression treatment insurance at no cost to the diver or the instructors who teach them. It provides instructors with a risk-management tool in the unlikely event that a student is injured in the course of their training. The program is about protecting new divers and providing peace of mind to students and instructors alike.
3. Who is eligible to enroll in DAN�s Student Membership Program?
DAN's Student Membership Program is open to any entry-level diver and any certified instructor teaching in the DAN Americas region. Students under the age of 18 need consent from a parent or guardian to enroll. Instructors do not have to be DAN Instructors, although they will need to register with DAN in order to use the program.
4. How much does this program cost for students and their instructors
The program is free to entry-level students and certified instructors. There is no cost to use the program, and neither students nor instructors who use the program are under any obligation to join DAN as a full member. Materials related to the program are also provided for instructors and students at no charge.
5. What incentives are available to instructors for signing up their students?
In addition to providing peace of mind for the student, DAN's Student Membership Program significantly increases the level of risk management on the part of the individual instructor at absolutely no cost. Also, instructors can earn points for students enrolled in the program and for Student Members who go on to become full DAN members; these points can be redeemed for DAN products, specific PADI training materials or DAN membership dues.
6. Where do I get more information on DAN�s' Student Membership Program?
We encourage you to visit http://www.danismybuddy.com for information and instruction on the DAN Student Membership Program.
Q&A About the Chamber Assistance Program
1. Why is PADI joining forces with DAN�s Recompression Chamber Assistance Program?
PADI understands the importance of ensuring the proper care and treatment of injured divers, and has provided financial assistance in the past through its own chamber assistance program; because of this, they recognize the value of the additional hands-on support DAN brings through its Recompression Chamber Assistance Program (RCAP). As with the other beneficial elements of the PADI / DAN alliance, the pooling of resources will provide a greater source of chamber support and a stronger network of emergency facilities to assist divers in need.
Q&A Additional Information
1. Who should I contact for more information regarding the alliance?
For questions regarding PADI, please contact:
Theresa Gulledge +1-949-858-7234 ext. 2322 or theresag@padi.com.
For questions regarding DAN, please contact:
Christine McTaggart +1-919-684-2948 or cmctaggart@dan.duke.edu.
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
DAN News - Giant Stride Magazine: It's Online!

DAN News
Giant Stride Magazine: It's Online!
Know someone who's learning to dive? Or perhaps you have a friend whose considering it, a potential new buddy. Want to help that new diver make the most of diving?
If you think introducing someone to the world of diving is a life-changing experience, wait until you show them DAN’s latest publication.
Designed for the new or prospective student, Giant Stride debunks common scuba myths, offers friendly advice and explanations on topics such as travel, physiology and critters, and welcomes all interested parties to the world of scuba.
Plus, it's gratis, on the house. See it with just one keystroke – click here and go to "current issue" on the upper left.
Or get your copy in print. Either way, you'll be sharing the excitement of scuba diving with a friend. What better way to be a buddy?
Giant Stride is a free publication for new divers as part of the DAN Student Membership Program. This program helps promote dive safety, and instructors can earn points toward valuable DAN products, including oxygen units.
Question? Email ProMember@DiversAlertNetwork.org, call 1-877-532-6776 toll-free or +1-919 684-2948 x 636 or fax +1-919-490-6630.
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
TDI – Semi-Closed Circuit Rebreather Diver Course, DOLPHIN - Klamath Falls, Oregon, May 4 and 5, 2007

TDI – Semi-Closed Circuit Rebreather Diver Course, Unit Specific- DOLPHIN
Drager Dolphin Semi-Closed Rebreather course to be held in Klamath Falls, Oregon, May 5 and 6, 2007. Required dives to be held at Crescent Lake, Oregon on August 4 and 5, and August 25 and 26, 2007.
This is the entry-level certification course for recreational divers wishing to utilize one of the following Semi-closed circuit Rebreathers; Dolphin. The objective of this course is to train recreational divers in the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for using SCR Rebreathers.
Required Equipment
The following equipment is required for each student:
1. Drager Dolphin Rebreather.
2. Integrated PO2 monitoring device for inhaled PO2.
3. Mask and fins.
4. Exposure suit appropriate for the open water environment.
5. Access to oxygen analyzer.
6. Appropriate weight.
7. Bailout cylinder (minimum size 3L / twelve (12) cu. ft.)
8. Flow meter.
The Rebreather Manual and the manufactures’ manual are mandatory for use during this course.
The following topics must be covered during this course:
1. History and Evolution of Rebreathers.
2. Comparison of Open Circuit, Closed Circuit, and Semi-closed Circuit.
3. Practical Mechanics of the System
A. Assembly and disassembly of the Rebreather.
B. Layout and design.
C. Scrubber recharge.
D. System maintenance.
E. Breathing loop decontamination procedures.
4. Review of nitrox
A. Dalton’s Law (triangle)
B. Optimum nitrox mix
C. Oxygen Tracking
D. Gas preparation
E. Dive planning examples
5. Gas physiology
A. Oxygen toxicity.
B. Hyperoxia.
C. Hypoxia.
D. Asphyxia
E. Hypercapnia
F. Nitrogen absorption.
G. CO2 toxicity.
H. Gas consumption.
i. Cylinder sizes
ii. Depth and workload
6. Formula work / metabolic consumption
A. 02 metabolizing calculations.
B. Inspired 02 calculations (Rebreather Equation).
C. Equivalent air depth.
7. Dive Tables
A. Inspired 02 table.
B. Equivalent air depth.
8. Dive Computers
A. Mix adjustable.
B. 02 integrated.
C. P02 monitoring devices
9. Problem Solving
A. Canister flooding
B. Mouthpiece loss
C. Scrubber exhaustion
D. Battery or sensor loss
E. Breathing Bag rupture
F. Open circuit bailout system
i. On board gas
ii. Off board gas
G. Hyperoxia scenario
H. Hypoxia scenario
I. hypercapnia scenario
J. Post problem maintenance of equipment
10. Dive Planning
A. Operational Planning
i. Gas requirements.
ii. Oxygen limitations.
iii. Nitrogen limitations.
Required Skill Performance and Graduation Requirements:
The dive depth shall not exceed one point six (1.6 ATM) P02.
The following skills must be completed by the student during open water dives:
1. Properly analyze gas mixture.
2. Perform all pre dive checks (positive, negative, flow rate, by-pass regulator operation, relief valve pressure) a minimum of six (6) times.
3. Demonstrate a leak check and repair scenario.
4. Not required for the Dolphin.
5. Properly packing a scrubber canister a minimum of two (2) times (if using the ExtendAir cartridge one packing must be with granular material).
6. Properly execute set-up and breakdown a minimum of four (4) times for Draeger rebreathers.
7. Demonstrate adequate pre-dive planning
A. Limits based on system performance.
B. Limits based upon oxygen exposures at planned depth with mix.
C. Limits based upon nitrogen absorption at planned depth with mix.
8. Properly execute the planned dives within all pre-determined limits.
9. Properly execute a recovery from a system failure and switch to bail-out stationary a minimum of two (2) times.
10. Properly execute a recovery from a system failure and switch to bail-out hovering a minimum of two (2) times, one of the bail-out scenarios the diver must switch to open circuit and complete dive and safety stop on open circuit (direct ascent must begin when diver switches to open circuit, this scenario should be conducted no deeper than 60 fsw / 20 meters).
11. Properly demonstrate hose clearing technique after each bail-out scenario.
12. Not required on a Dolphin
13. Proper PO2 monitoring on all dives (if unit is equipped with P02 monitoring device).
14. Properly execute a mask clearing exercise with emphasis on minimal gas loss.
15. Safely and properly execute a buddy out of air scenario, it is preferable the buddy is on a SCR unit also.
16. Diver will demonstrate actual safety stops at pre-determined depths.
17. Properly execute cleaning and maintenance of the Rebreather, including breathing loop decontamination.
Course Structure and Duration
Open Water Execution:
A minimum of four (4) dives with a minimum of one hundred (100) accumulated minutes for the Drager units
Course Structure:
1. TDI allows instructors to structure courses according to the number of students participating and their skill level.
1. The minimum number of classroom and briefing hours is six (6).
In order to complete this course, students must:
1. Satisfactorily complete the TDI Rebreather Course written examination.
2. Complete all open water requirements safely and efficiently.
3. Demonstrate mature, sound judgment concerning dive planning and execution.
Qualifications of Graduates
Upon successful completion of this course, graduates may engage in no decompression diving activities utilizing the Dolphin to a maximum depth of forty (40) msw / one hundred thirty (130) feet, without decompression utilizing nitrox mixes not exceeding their level of certification.
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
Online Computer Nitrox Release

Online Computer Nitrox Release
Topsham Maine
Scuba Diving International (SDI), sister company of Technical Diving International (TDI) and Emergency Diving International (ERDI) is proud to announce the launch of its SDI Nitrox Online Program. This online program is based on SDI’s recently released revised nitrox course materials and reflects the most up-to-date learning materials available today.
SDI, the worldwide leader in diving education through e-learning and distance learning applications, is known for its innovative approach to scuba diving educational products.The SDI online open water scuba program continues to be a tremendous success and undoubtedly remains unrivaled in online educational products and services available today.Due the positive reaction worldwide to the SDI online open water scuba program, there was an immediate demand for additional online courses to be made available.
“High profile retailers have found the SDI online program to be highly effective in meeting their customer’s needs.Therefore, the new addition of the SDI Online Nitrox Program provides yet another opportunity for dealers to take advantage of the flexibility online programs while providing their students with a program they enjoy completing”, stated David Burroughs, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for SDI.
“SDI looks forward in the coming months to releasing new and exciting products and programs for consumers to enjoy.By embracing the concept that different people respond to slightly different learning stimuli, SDI has begun to provide an additional avenue for those interested in the underwater world to enjoy their Diving Adventure: and that’s online learning” stated Brian Carney, President.
To purchase the SDI Online Nitrox Materials email worldhq@tdisdi.com, call 1 207 729-4201 or contact your local regional office.

For more information on Scuba Diving International visit: www.tdisdi.com
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
Nitrox Program Release

Nitrox Program Release
Topsham, ME
TDI announces all new Nitrox manual and support materials
TDI released new teaching and learning materials today for its popular and ground-breaking Nitrox course. These materials include a student manual, knowledge review, instructor guide and NEW Instructor Resource CD (includes PowerPoint, exams and an electronic instructor guide) all of which have been completely re-written and redesigned to meet the agency’s new training materials guidelines and reflecting the learning needs of today’s Nitrox diver candidate.
The TDI student manual includes more than 60 specially created illustrations and photographs in a 120-page perfect-bound format. TDI’s Nitrox course teaches students to execute dives utilizing Nitrox mixtures up to 40%.
“The first thing students will notice about our brand-new Nitrox manual is that learning objectives and key concepts for each of its nine chapters are highlighted and clearly defined,” said Steve Lewis “The content covers the benefits of Nitrox, Equivalent Air Depth concept, oxygen toxicity, and nitrox equipment considerations.”
Lewis, director of product development for International Training, further explained that the support materials for TDI’s Nitrox program have also been redesigned from the ground up. “What our instructors will notice is that the instructor guide and PowerPoint® materials have been structured in a way that will assist them to present the most complex concepts of Nitrox diving in a concise and organized fashion reflecting the needs of today’s diver education.”
“TDI Nitrox materials are available for immediate shipment” stated David Burroughs VP of Sales and Marketing. He went on to say “This is just the first of our manuals being rewritten and reworked. During 2006 many of the current TDI manuals have had a new look and are being updated with latest technical information available to today’s divers.”
To purchase the Nitrox Materials email worldhq@tdisdi.com, call 1 207 729-4201 or contact your local regional office.

For more information on Technical Diving International (TDI) visit: www.tdisdi.com
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
CPROX1st AED News Release

CPROX1st AED News Release
Topsham, ME
SDI/TDI announces a brand new, revamped version of its already successful CPROX & CPR1st programs.
The newly released CPROX1st AED, Common Sense Lifesaving course, builds on the successful approach of the original courses, and encompasses Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Emergency Oxygen administration, First Aid, and, the newest element, Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).
CPROX1st AED program, like its predecessors, is written in a way that a lay rescuer can understand and remember the most effective response when an emergency situation presents itself. This course also includes all the newest recommendations from the American Heart Association for lay rescuer CPR.
“Over the past year we have had several requests to combine CPROX & CPR1st program. Also with the added availability of AED units we decide to design a unique program that includes all three elements” explained Sean Harrison, Vice President Training and Membership Services.
“Not only did we combine the programs, we redesigned the training materials to include a new student manual, instructor guide, Power Point and reference slate that combines all three elements into one” Harrison went on to say.
“The new CPROX1st with AED is exciting because it simplifies and liberates the natural instincts for lifesaving that we already possess” stated Dr. Warren Smith, author of the CPROX1st AED training materials.
The new CPROX1st AED program will be launched at this year DEMA in Orlando, FL. To assist with the launch a training seminar is schedule for Friday November 10, 2006 from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM at the Howard Johnson located at 9956 Hawaiian Court.
The program is available for current CPROX and CPR1st instructors and new instructors needing to complete the course. Cost 195.00 for current instructors and 295.00 for new instructors. The Instructor Kit is included with tuition (student manual, instructor guide and resource CD-ROM).
Sean Harrison and Warren Smith, MD will be conducting the training seminar. To sign up for the course call 888-778-9073 or 207-729-4201, or email worldhq@tdisdi.com.
For more information on SDI or TDI visit: www.tdisdi.com or email worldhq@tdisdi.com
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Become an Instructor. Do you want to teach emergency care training?

Do you want to teach emergency care training?
Already a CPR/first aid instructor? Learn how to easily cross over to MEDIC FIRST AID by selecting the link at the bottom of this page.
For those new to emergency care training, the three-step instructor certification process outlined below will get you started. If you are a current health care provider, such as an EMT, First Responder, or if you have CPR/first aid training, you can skip Step One.
Step One
Attend and successfully complete student-level training for the programs you wish to teach. This will provide you with an understanding of the course content and the physical skills necessary to be able to perform effective emergency care. If you currently possess these skills, you've already completed Step One!
Step Two
Familiarize yourself in the comfort of your home with our instructor self-study system. This process explains the nuts and bolts of the MEDIC FIRST AID instructional design and basic class administration. Condensing this traditional classroom-based information into a self-paced resource reduces time spent in the classroom.
Step Three
This session is designed to help new Instructors become skilled in presenting the instructional elements found in MEDIC FIRST AID Training Programs, including Real-time Demonstrations, Small Group Practices, Talk-through Scenarios, and Performance Evaluations.
Once an Instructor, you'll be eligible to purchase student materials and teach certified MEDIC FIRST AID Training Programs!
Cross over to MEDIC FIRST AID
Learn more about MEDIC FIRST AID Instructor levels
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information.
Medic First Aid
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