WORKSHOPS for 2007
Question: Interested in becoming a DAN Instructor Trainer?
Answer: Attend an Instructor Trainer Workshop!
Portland, Oregon area, or in a location near you!!!
The DAN ITW ... includes these courses:
◆ Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
◆ Oxygen First Aid for Aquatic Emergencies
◆ AEDs for Scuba Diving
◆ AEDs for Aquatics
◆ First Aid for Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
◆ Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
◆ Diving Emergency Management Provider
◆ On-Site Neurological Assessment for Divers
You Must:
■ Be a DAN Member
■ Be a CPR Instructor
■ Have proof of first aid training
■ Be a current DAN Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries Provider or current DAN Instructor
■ Be a scuba trainer with a recognized scuba training organization OR
■ Be an assistant scuba instructor trainer, qualified to independently conduct portions of a dive instructor training course with a scuba trainer AND be a DAN Diving Emergency Specialist Instructor
Once all training requirements are met, you will be certified to conduct DAN Training programs at the Instructor level.
Dates and exact location to be arranged for the Portland, Oregon area!
■ PACKAGE 1: Complete ITW includes all DAN Training courses $1,000 (a $1,600 value)
■ PACKAGE 2: Scuba Oxygen, Advanced Oxygen, HMLI, AED, REMO2 $650 (a $1,075 value)
(Aquatics Oxygen and Aquatics AEDs included)
❏ Scuba Oxygen (includes Aquatics) $225
❏ HMLI $225
❏ On-Site Neuro $225
❏ BLSPRO $275
❏ REMO2 $225
❏ Advanced Oxygen $175
❏ AED (includes Aquatics) $225
For more information about these training programs, send an email to omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information associated with this training.
Interested in becoming a DAN Instructor Trainer?
Attend an Instructor Trainer Workshop!
DAN Instructor Trainer Workshops
DAN Instructor Trainer Programs Registration Form
DAN Member #_________________________________
Contact Phone________________________________
Fax # _______________________________________
Email _______________________________________
COURSES (Indicate your choices)
❏ Package 1 Complete ITW includes all DAN Training courses $1,000
❏ Package 2 (Scuba O2 + Advanced O2 + HMLI + AEDs + REMO + Aquatics Oxygen and Aquatics AED's included) $650
❏ Individual courses (see below)
❏ Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries (Scuba O2 + Aquatics) $225
❏ Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries (Advanced O2) $175
❏ First Aid For Hazardous Marine Life Injuries (HMLI) $225
❏ Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for Scuba Diving (+ Aquatics) $225
❏ REMO2 $225
❏ On-Site Neurological Assessment for Divers $225
❏ BLS for Dive Professionals (BLSPRO) $275
Suggested Course Dates _________________________________
Total Fee $___________________________________
❏ Check – Payable to DAN in U.S. Dollars and drawn on a U.S. Bank
❏ MasterCard ❏ VISA
Card Number (13-16 #’s) __________________________________
Exp. Date_________________
Cardholder Name___________________________________________
Signature ________________________________________________
Confirmation of selection, time, and dates will be sent upon receipt of payment.
For more information about these training programs, send an email to omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information associated with this training.
or visit the DAN website at www.DiversAlertNetwork.org
Fax completed form to: Training +1-360-837-1293
OR Contact Omni Divers Underwater Services for local training options
Please email omnidive@omnidivers.com if you are interested or want additional information associated with this training.
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